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Leaving Your Job - Be Professional

Also, think about how your new endeavor will impact your employment history. Will it help to enhance your professional career or will you making a lateral career move? These factors ought to be thought about carefully before you make the decision to terminate your employment.

Leaving an employer, no matter how long you have been with a company, always causes some level of anxiety. However, you can work to alleviate any negative feelings if it is done the right way. You require to let the employer know that you will leave all projects done & your professional affairs in order.

Keep in mind - six times you hand in your resignation it will probably be final.

Turning In Your Resignation

After you resignation has been handed in, you work performance ought to stay the same. Don't be tempted to have a poor attendance record or produce inferior work.

Six times you choose to resign, you will require to put your intentions in writing. A professional letter addressed to your direct supervisor is the most effective way to do this. Your resignation letter will be added to your permanent employment record so keep that in mind when you write.

Management will take note of any decrease in productivity & this might work against you in the future.

Be Prepared

When handing in your resignation, schedule a confidential appointment together with your immediate supervisor to discuss the matter. Bring the letter with you to your meeting enclosed in a sealed envelope. It is a lovely suggestion to thank them for the chance to work with them & let them know that you have enjoyed the experience.

You might be questioned by your employer as to why you are terminating your working relationship. Be prepared to answer this query. You must keep your professional goals in mind & not place blame on your employer.

The Resignation Letter

The idea here is to terminate the relationship on a positive note.

Your resignation ought to be short & sweet. There is no require to write a page synopsis of your employment history, nor is it relevant to go over facts & figures. Whatever complaints you may have had with the company, leave them out. Your letter ought to clearly state your last date of service.

How to Handle a Counteroffer

Your decision to accept a counter offer may increase your financial reward, but it could also make your colleagues think that you are not a team player. Also, the employer that you had historicallyin the past accepted an offer from will require to be told that you won't be working for them. These events could be detrimental to your career & thus future opportunities - so it is wise not to take them lightly.

If your reasons for terminating the relationship are due to a finding a better opportunity elsewhere, you might be given a counteroffer. Now, in this situation, you will require to choose in the event you require to leave or in the event you require to accept the new offer. Whatever decision you make, keep in mind that either decision will impact both employers.

Leaving on friendly terms leaves your professional network intact - because you will certainly require them in the future.

Most employers these days conduct exit interviews prior to employees leaving the company. This gives all parties involved a chance to state their feelings about the relationship. It is also the time to conclude all business transactions such as relinquishing security codes, identification badges, & other items that you have in your possession.

The General Objectives Of Teaching

Cognitive growth begins at the level of the kid school, with the acquisition of early language and numerical capabilities, and continues increasingly to dominate schooling to the secondary and higher levels. But the learner is over an enlarging reservoir of information. With this acquisition goes a growing power to generalize, abstract, deduce, interpret, describe, apply, and generate. Cognitive training produces a thinker observer aware of the modes of thought and judgment making up human intellectual activity. In the final stages, the teacher aims at a thinker, critic, organizer, and creator.

The classification of the general objectives of teaching in terms of school subject matter is not sufficient to describe the final ends of schooling. These include, fundamentally, the promotion of a well integrated person able to taking a responsible, active role in society. With such a purpose in mind, may accomplish more insight by choosing a psychological analysis of the objectives in to the attainment of intellectual abilities and social insights cognition, the learning of practical active skills (psychomotor learning), and the development of emotions, attitudes, and values affective learning.

The permeation of emotional learning throughout the whole educative process is not always obvious, in part because very often it is brought about incidentally. Teachers may be self conscious and self critical about the deliberate inculcation of emotional responses, which will provide the energy and a mainspring of social life. The acquisition and application of values and attitudes are most marked by the time of adolescence and dominate the general life of the young individual. Theoretical, aesthetic, social, economic, political, hedonistic, and religious values pervade the school curriculum. Literature, art, the humanities, and religious teaching are all directly involved, and the teaching of science and arithmetic can bring about a positive attitude toward cognitive and theoretical values.

In the development of psychomotor learning, the teacher is concerned with the promotion of coordinated skills and their creative use. Instruction begins with the acts of handwriting and plastic art play, characteristic of earlier years of schooling. It includes painting, games, workshop skills, and practical science. It's a high status value among the pupils themselves and the wider community.

A person's emotional structure is the pattern of his values and attitudes. Under the influence of instruction and experience, this structure shows kinds of alter. First, the pupil learns to select those situations and issues to which he will make appropriate emotional responses. Second, in general, an increasing range of situations includes happenings more remote from the learner. At first, emotions are aroused by situations directly affecting the kid, becomes more mature toe is increasingly involved in affairs and causes far removed. Scorn his own personal life. Third, his repertoire of emotional responses gradually becomes less immediate, expressive, and linked with physical activity.

The permeation of emotional learning throughout the whole educative process is not always obvious, in part because very often it is brought about incidentally. Teachers may be self conscious and self critical about the deliberate inculcation of emotional responses, which will provide the energy and a mainspring of social life. The acquisition and application of values and attitudes are most marked by the time of adolescence and dominate the general life of the young individual. Theoretical, aesthetic, social, economic, political, hedonistic, and religious values pervade the school curriculum. Literature, art, the humanities, and religious teaching are all directly involved, and the teaching of science and arithmetic can bring about a positive attitude toward cognitive and theoretical values.

For Better Team Building

In his book, Overcoming the Dysfunctions of a Team, management consultant Patrick Lencioni said: "When people come together and set aside their individual needs for the lovely of the whole, they can accomplish what might have looked impossible on paper."

The dysfunctions Lencioni outlines in his book can plague even the best companies. Building a successful team can be a challenge but the benefits are unquestionable.
For example, a document from the Institute of Medicine demonstrated that team work among caregivers significantly reduces medical errors. The document found that  80 percent of mistakes made due to issues with team coordination might have been prevented with effective team building. After the staff done an five hour coursework, the emergency department reported a 58 percent decrease in errors.

While not every situation is as potentially life saving as the emergency room, any company can benefit from a productive, successful team. When a team works well together, the whole company benefits. With successful teamwork, efficiency, worker morale and innovation all increase dramatically.
But a team is over a group of employees thrown together with a common project. In order to be successful, the team must become a cooperative, cohesive group. Successful team members trust and support another and respect another's individual differences.
Your job as a team builder is to guide your team down the path to cohesiveness and productivity. Your diligence can unite employees around a common aim and lead to greater productivity.

The next time you start building a team, consult these tips for building a successful team.

Select the right number of people. Research shows that smaller teams are more productive than larger ones. They ought to be large to take advantage of diverse skills, but tiny that members feel like an intimate part of the community. study of application developers found that the best-performing teams ranged in size from to five members. Whenever feasible, limit team size to ten people or less.

Set codes of conduct for the team. Before you dive in to solving the issue, it is vital to lay the foundation for the method. By understanding the collective values and assessing behaviors, you generate a "safe environment" where people are comfortable speaking freely about their opinions, ideas and feelings in a team. Some common codes of conduct include: beginning the meeting on time, coming to each meeting prepared, person speaks at a time, all members are equal, or how to raise an objection.

Think about every idea as valuable and open for discussion. There is no such thing as a poor idea! Encourage discussion and debate among team members around every suggestion. A respectful but candid disagreement can lead to new ideas. Teams that avoid conflict won't challenge the established order or create new solutions to elderly issues.

 Encourage cooperation and sharing among the team. The success or failure of a team often hinges on the relationships team members establish among themselves. Your job as a team leader is to observe how members work together and take steps to improve communication, cooperation, trust and respect when needed. Team building games can help break the ice among new members or encourage everyone to let off steam when a disagreement becomes a shouting match.

Team building is an ongoing method, demanding attention as some employees come and go and as market demands change. With guidance and nurturing, a powerful team is an indispensable asset to your company.

To help get you started on the path to building a happy, successful team, we have included a worksheet to rate the cohesiveness of your team.


Olive EC6060 diklaim sebagai mobile gaming, dan karenanya jumlah judul dalam game mobile cukup banyak. Kebanyakan permainan berasal dari pengembang perangkat lunak terkemuka EA Games. Permainan yang harus diakui adalah Penggabungan High School 2, Need For Speed ​​Undercover dan Sim City Deluxe. Semua permainan platform Java, tetapi kualitas permainan ini cukup baik. Selain itu, speaker memiliki suara cukup besar, untuk bermain game lebih menarik bila menggunakan ponsel ini.

Meskipun keypad terbuat dari plastik keras daripada karet, namun tetap terasa empuk ditekan. Selain itu, ukuran tombol yang cukup besar, sehingga untuk meminimalkan kesalahan ketik.  

Olive menyajikan kesan trendi dan dinamis seperti terlihat dari penampilan ponsel ini. Badan plastik mengkilap di casing belakang, sedangkan sisanya dop plastik. Ponsel ini memiliki berat 109 gram dan 61 mm lebar.
Olive EC6060 Spesifikasi:
Jaringan: CDMA 800 Mhz
Ukuran / Berat: 107x61x12 mm / 85 g
Display: 2,2 inci
Memori: microSD
Sistem Operasi: Proprietary
Konektivitas: EDGE GPRS,
Pesan: SMS
Baterai: 1100 mAh

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When Brainstorming Leads to Storming Out (Workplace Conflict)

Today, companies are expected to seek more collaborative approaches to project management & completion, policyowner development & overall satisfaction in the workplace. For companies with longstanding policies & procedures, who need to keep pace, this transition can be difficult.

Opening up the doors to truly listen to what people around you need to think & say can be a challenge for some management team members to act on. How does sort out the nice from the bad, the legitimate concern from the stomach aching? In addition, the multitude of voices may not be singing in harmony.
Individual expectations & hopes of team members are often divergent. Each team member has a different role & therefore contributes emotionally & creatively in a distinctive fashion, this can contribute to healthy conflict & brilliant insight.

How is that feasible? If they keep in mind that conflict & disputes are found on different ends of a spectrum & when they are treated mindfully brilliant things can happen. Conflict regularly exists without the necessity for a dispute. An example of this might be friends who have a preference for different kinds of ice cream. Both hold the belief that their flavour is better than someone else but it does not inherently lead to any kind of escalation of conflict between them. Disputes however are the articulation of conflict when it manifests in to something more official.

To give you a workplace example of conflict leading to a dispute, only need look in to the boardrooms of an organization carrying on a brainstorming session. When individuals are asked to sit with each other in a boardroom & collaborate to generate ideas, truly creative & brilliant outcomes can be generated by the group. It is the actual inherent conflict between team members in perspectives that generates ideas & thoughts which can generate new solutions, possibilities, & pave new paths.

If however, the group leader sets no boundaries to carve out the limitations on feedback to ideas then disputes can find their genesis between group members. All it might take is comment, or a misguided joke from a group member that leads to someone feeling as though their ideas are less worthy than the rest. The feeling created by the exchange can sow the seeds of a dispute if escalation follows the exchange.

How can the group leader set proper boundaries? A speedy conversation at the beginning of the brainstorming session to clearly describe the purpose of the session, & the validity of every idea generated. A reminder that feedback is not paramount to brainstorming, the generation of ideas is what is most important.

The group leader's role does not finish there however. It is essential that they also play an active role in monitoring the commentary within the group & keep a watchful eye on the dynamics of the group. As the session continues it is imperative that the leader ensures that everybody continues to feel validated & valuable avoiding someone from storming out.

Daftar Tempat wisata di DKI Jakarta

Berikut ini adalah daftar tempat wisata di Jakarta.

Menanti Kejutan Dari Doku

Doku, startup yang memberikan layanan pemrosesan kartu kredit asal Indonesia, yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai NsiaPay, meluncurkan produk baru mereka, Rabu (18/5). Layanan mereka kini tidak hanya diperuntukkan bagi pedagang online tetapi semua pedagang di seluruh nusantara.

Baca selengkapnya......


1. Sop Buntut, deket Mesjid Cut Mutiah
2. Soto Mie Jl. Cilacap, Menteng
3. Soto Mie YPK, depan RSB YPK, Jl. Gereja Theresia
4. M. Soleh Kumis 999, Jalan Blora
5. Soto Madura Ps. Baru, di pojokan seberang jalan Mesjid Istiqlal
6. Soto Mie Jl. Lautze, Ps. Baru
7. Soto Madura Gubeng, Jl. Juanda, Sebelah Bank Mandiri (d/h Bank Exim)
8. Sop Buntut-nya Hotel Borobudur
9. Coto Makassar Kelapa Gading, Jl. Boulevard
10. Soto Betawi, tembusannya jalan Minangkabau
11. Soto Gebrak, di Lapangan Ros Tebet, yang enak tikungan, deket tukang Ban
12. Sop Konro, Makasar, di Jl. Lap Ros Tebet
13. Sop Kambing Irwan, seberang RSB Asih, Melawai
14. Soto Kudus Blok A
15. Soto Ayam UKI Cawang letaknya di tengah lapang, agak terperosok ke dalam
16. Soto/Sop Ayam By Pass, di prempatan depannya Samsat Cipinang, yang ke arah tembusan Otista, sebelah kiri setelah lampu merah
17. Soto Ayam Ambengan Surabaya, Jl. Walter Monginsidi
18. Soto Kudus Blok M, Jl. Radio Dalam
19. Soto kambing di roxy, namanya ganda rasa

Sumber :


1. Sate Kambing Muda, bintaro (perempatan bintaro, gerbang bintaro) 
2. Sate Ayam bunderan Kolam Lembang
3. Sate Kambing pojokan jalan Sabang, depan kantor Polisi
4. Sate Kambing Ny. Semarang, Megaria/Metropole
5. Sate Kambing Jono, Jl. Pejompongan
6. Sate Pancoran, Jl Raya Ps. Minggu, deketnya ILP
7. Sate Kambing Bu Yanti, Duren Tiga
8. Sate Blok S, tetanggaan ama Baso Blok S, depan RS Kebayoran
9. Sate Cikajang, Ps. Santa
10. Sate Apotik Jaya, Panglima Polim
11. Sate Ayam Jl. Samba
12. Sate Ayam depan RS Pertamina
13. Sate Hadori, Jl. Bangka, cabangnya Bandung:
14. Sate Ayam di pertokoan Pondok Indah Plaza (Pertok), (malam)
15. Sate Tri-M Pondok Indah, di pertokoan deket Ora et Labora Pondok Indah (siang)
16. Sate Kambing Pak Haji Jl. Karang Tengah, dekat perempatan Lb. Bulus (Hero Lb. Bulus) - Kr.Tengah

Sumber :


1. Bakmi Udin, Jl. Besuki, deket SD Besuki, Menteng
2. Bakso / Mie Bakso Jl. Tanjung
3. Mie Ayam Gang Kelinci: katanya sih yang enak di Gang Kelinci Ps. Baru
4. Bakmi Ps. Cikini
5. Bakso Komplek IKJ, deket Bioskop 21:tongkrongannya anak-anak IKJ
6. Bakso / Siomay LIA Pramuka
7. Bakso Matraman, di Jl. Matraman Raya, sebelahnya SD Marsudirini: Es Durennya
8. Mie deket gereja, depan PARKIT, Sabang
9. Bakmi Tropik, Ambassador Mall, Jl. Casablanca
10. Baso Lapangan Tembak, Senayan
11. Mie Ayam Buncit, di Jl. Warung Buncit
12. Mie Engkoh, depan Komp. Pertanian Ps. Minggu
13. Bakso Titoti, dari Pancoran kira2 400m dari Goro sebelah kiri jalan
14. Bakmi Boy, Ps. Mayestik, Jl. Cikajang
15. Bakso Bola Tenis, dekat Lapangan Blok S (malam)
16. Bakso/Siomay Blok S, depannya RS Kebayoran
17. Bakmi Pangsit depan RSB Asih, Melawai (BARU)
18. Bakmi Permata, Permata Hijau, dekat Tops Supermarket
19. Cwie Mie Malang (HCM) di Arteri Simatupang
20. Baso Tirta Marta Pondok Indah, depannya Sekolah Tirta Marta
21. Mie Yamin Tri-M Pondok Indah, pdi pertokoan dekat Ora et Labora PI
22. Bakmi Villa, belakang Villa Cinere Mas, Jl.Karang Tengah, Cinere
23. mie ceker bandung JL. Sambas 

Sumber :


1. Nasi Uduk Mas Miskun, Jl. Kramat Raya, dekat Hotel Acacia
2. Nasi Uduk Gondangdia, di bawahnya Fly Over Kereta Jl. Gondangdia Lama
3. Nasi Uduk Babe Saman, Jl. Kebon Kacang II, kalau nggak salah
4. Nasi Uduk Rawa Mangun, dekat Terminal Rawamangun
5. Nasi Uduk Spesial Jl. Kali Malang, deket terminal, dekat perempatan Jati Bening
6. Warteg Warmo, Tebet: setiap orang pasti tahu
7. Nasi Uduk Dikun, depan Komp. Pertanian, Ps. Minggu
8. Warteg Setia, Jl. Fatmawati, depan Ps. Mede: tempat makan selebriti

Sumber :


1. Bubur Ayam Cikini, depan KFC (malam)
2. Bubur Ayam Jl. Tanjung, Menteng
3. Bubur Ayam Cideng, Ps. Cideng Tanah Abang (malam)
4. Bubur Ayam Sukabumi, Tebet
5. Bubur Ayam Senayan, yang enak yang di depan Istora, Mobil Ijo (Minggu pagi)
6. Bubur Ayam Sukabumi, Jl. Radio Dalam, pas tikungan
7. Bubur Ayam depan RS Pondok Indah (pagi)
8. Bubur Ayam Sawangan, depan Polsek Sawangan, Cinere (pagi)
9. Bubur Ayam Barito, depan makam jl. Barito

Sumber :


1.BlueBird Taxi – 7981001, 7941234 
2.Dian Taxi – 58904949, 5807070 (Tarif Lama)
3.Taxiku Taxi – 47862121 (Boljug)
4.TransCAB Taxi – 58355500 (Pake TV)
1. Batavia 7336776
2. Blue Bird 7941234 7981001 7989000 7944444
3. Cendrawasih 4602706
4. Centris 5268922 5843126 8009641
5. Citra 7817771 7817233 8451717
6. Dian 4250505 5807070 7378811
7. Dynasty 5680986
8. Express 5761313 5709009 s/d 11
9. Gading 4613001 4613002 5551840
10. Gamya 8403838 8403848 87795555
11. Koperasi 8408877
12. Kosti 7801333 7445055 7875166
13. Jakarta International 3143777
14. Liberty 8708888 7398303 351845
15. Lintas Buana/BBG 87755555
16. Master 5854545 5847724
17. Maya Kencana 7401809
18. Metropolitan 4204444 4207277 4202222 5807070
19. Morante Jaya/BBG 4603333 7990429 7971245
20. Prestasi 4754545
21. Putra 7817771
22. Queen 6410001 8710824
23. Rajawali 8401133
24. Ratax 7398669 7398303 5302625
25. Royal City 8500888 8011667
26. Silver Bird 7941234 7981001 86600745
27. Sri Medali 8005555 8006666 8091650
28. Steady Safe 3922222 3143333 3900001 3103344
29. Tiffany 5854545
30. Wahana 8009641


1 PT Multi Investama Ventura Setiabudi Building II Lt. 11
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav 62 Jakarta
12920(021) 5210695 / 5210698 Fax. (62-21) 5210761

2 PT Astra Mitra Ventura Jl. Majapahit No. 16 Lt. II Jakarta
10160(021) 3450653 (Hunting)Fax. (021) 3450652

3 PT Freefort FinanceIndonesia
Plaza 89, Lt.5Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav X-7 No 6
Jakarta 12940 (021) 2520727
Fax . (62-21) 2591875

4 PT Bahana Artha Ventura Graha Niaga, Lantai M
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 58 Jakarta12190
(021) 2505080/2505270
Fax. (62-21) 2505275

5 PT Bahana Bina Ventura Niaga Tower Lt. 18
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 58 Jakarta 12190
(021) 2505080Fax. (62-21) 2505275/71

6 PT Ventura Investasi Utama Komplek Mangga Dua Plaza Blok
N-2 Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jakarta 10730
(62-211) 6240655 (Hunting)
Fax. (62-21) 6240645

7 PT Multi Ventura Kapitalindo Gedung BRI II Suite 806
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 42-44
Jakarta 10220(021) 251243
Fax. (62-21) 5713706

8 PT Bhakti Sarana Ventura Jl. Tebet Barat IX No.26 Tebet
Jakarta Selatan 12810(021) 83704181(Hunting)
Fax. 83704182

9 PT Batavia InternasionalVentura
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No.93
Kebayaoran Baru Jakarta Selatan
12180(021) 7392212, 7392232
Fax. (62-21) 7200401

10 PT Arsi Bina Venturindo Roxy Mas Blok D3/23
Jl. KH. Hasyim Ashari No.125 Jakarta 10150
(62-21) 3442230, 6303716
Fax. (62-21) 3856263

11 PT Ventura Investasi Prima Komplek Mangga Dua Plaza
lok N-2 Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jakarta 10730
(021) 6240655 (Hunting)
Fax. (62-21) 6240645

12 PT Ventura Investasi Perdana
Komplek Mangga Dua Plaza, Blok N-2
Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jakarta 10730
(021) 6240655 (Hunting)
Fax. (62-21) 6240645

13 PT Ometraco Artha Ventura Menara Kebon Sirih Lt. 21
Jl. Kebon Sirih Kav. 17-19 Jakarta Pusat

14 PT Abad Perdana Kapita Ventura
Jl. Melawai XI No.55 Jakarta Selatan 12160
(021) 7399522, 7399947
Fax. 7211485

15 PT Maco Venturindo Kapital Menara Imperium Lt.10, Suite A
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1 Jakarta 12980
(021) 835.4111 Fax. (021) 8354114

16 PT Ventura Cakrawala Investama
Gedung Aneka Usaha Perkebunan
Lt. III, Jl. Tanjung Karang No. 5
Jakarta 10230
(021) 3917351 – 3158705

17 PT PNM Venture Capital Gedung Arthaloka Lt. 9
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.2
Jakarta 10220
(62-21) 2511404
Fax. (62-21) 2511546

18 PT PNM Techno Ventura Gedung Bumi Bina Usaha, Lt.9,
Suite 902, Jl. Asia Afrika 141-149 Bandung
(62-22) 4241315, 4241316, 4204095
Fax. (62-22) 4241316

19 PT Mitra Ventura Indonesia Komplek Wijaya Graha Puri Blok H 12
A Jl.Wijaya II Kebayoran Baru Jakarta
Selatan 12160 (62-21) 725-5513
Fax. (62-21) 722-1552

20 PT Ventura Giant Asia Wisma Mitra Sunter 11th, Komplek
Mitra Sunter Blok C2, Jl. Yos Sudarso
Kav. 89, Jakarta 14350
(62-21) 6514903
Fax. (62-21) 6514904

21 PT Ventindo Selaras Indonesia
Jl. Bakti No.16, Senopati, Jakarta 12180
(021) 70741921,
Fax. (021) 5737670/7260195

22 PT Swadana Mitra Binaan
Balisari Rejeki Ventura
Jl. Bendahulu. No. 8, Kompleks Gatot
Subroto, Denpasar 80135
(0361) 424803, 430087
Fax. (0361) 426577

No Nama Perusahaan Alamat Telp/Fax/Email
1 PT Finasindo Griyartha S. Widjojo Center Lt. 5 Jl. Jend.
Sudirman Kav. 71 Jakarta (021) 5205910
Fax. (62-21) 5223129

2 PT Premier Ventures Indonesia
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 27 Ciracas Jakarta
13740 P.O. Box 2778 Jakarta 10001
(021) 8710130
Fax. (62-21) 8714869

3 PT Pama Ventura Indonesia Wisma GKBI, Suite 3901, lantai 39,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 28 Jakarta 10210
(021) 57998173
Fax. (62-21) 57998174

4 PT Seavi Indonesia Venture Plaza Bapindo Tower II, Lantai 22
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 54-55 Jakarta 12190
(021) 5266845 (hunting)
Fax. (62-21) 5266843

5 PT Bali Walden Venture Capital
Gedung Bank Bali Lt. 11
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 27 Jakarta 12920
(021) 5237535 / 5237899
Fax. (021) 2500488

6 PT Widya Global Ventura Gedung Menara Imperium Lt.10
Suite B, Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav. A.
No. 1 Jakarta 12980 (021) 8354060 (Hunting)
Fax. (62-21) 8354061

7 PT Ludlow Capital
(d/h PT Istethmar Indonesia)
Graha Chantia Lt. 2
Jl. Bangka Raya N0. 6 Jakarta Selatan 12720
(021) 7199006
Fax. 7199041

8 PT Jasa Dinamika Venture Co.
Summitmas I Lt. 21
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62 Jakarta 12190
(021) 5200808

9 PT BNI NJM Ventura Daiwa Perdana Bank Building Lt. 7
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 4041 Jakarta 10210
(62-21) 5707321
Fax. (62-21) 5707318

10 PT Singa Jaya Kapita Kompleks LFD Manufacturing
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 28 Jakarta Timur 13720
(62-21) 8710914
Fax. (62-21) 8717985

11 PT Bayindo Investama Mid Plaza I Lt.16-17
Jl. Sudirman Kav. 10-11 Jakarta 10220
(62-21) 5703661/5700595
Fax. (62-21) 5745877

12 PT Matrix Investama Plaza Chase Lt. 19
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 21 Karet-
Setiabudi Jakarta 12920
(62-21) 5200221

No Nama Perusahaan Alamat Telp/Fax/Email
1 PT Sarana Jabar Ventura Jl. Laswi No.104-108, Bandung, 40273 (022) 7334722
Fax. (022) 4200558
Email. /

2 PT Sarana Jatim Ventura Jl. Jemur Andayani No. 33

Surabaya 60237 (031) 843-2333/2333/4133
Fax. (031) 8434333

3 PT Sarana Yogya Ventura Jl. Yos Sudarso 25
Kotabaru Yogyakarta 55224
(0274) 562333 / 518227
Fax. (0274) 518225

4 PT Sarana Jateng Ventura Jl. Tri Lomba Juang No.5
Semarang (024) 8452929
Fax. (024-8452424 )

5 PT Sarana Bali Ventura Gedung Deperindag (Unit Design
Jl. By Pass – Ngurah Rai No. 546
Denpasar 80227 (0361) 282886/282887/282889
Fax. (0361) 282890

6 PT Sarana Sulsel Ventura Graha Ventura,
Jl. Hertasning Raya Timur No. 18 D,
Makassar 90222 (0411) 458416/5
Fax. (0411) 458413

7 PT Sarana Sumbar Ventura Jl. Raden Saleh No. 30 Padang (0751) 52858/59
Fax. (0751)52859

8 PT Sarana Sumsel Ventura Jl. Angkatan 45 F-27 Pakjo,

Palembang 30137 (0711) 372386/372390
Fax. (0711) 354507

9 PT Sarana Lampung Ventura Jl. Diponegoro No.69 A, Sumur Batu,
Bandar Lampung 35214 (0721) 473714/15
Fax. (0721) 481814

10 PT Sarana Kaltim Ventura Jl. P. Antasari No.21, Samarinda (0541) 754140/43
Fax. (0541) 754144

11 PT Sarana Jambi Ventura Jl. Kapten Pattimura No.119, Kenali
Besar, Jambi 36001 (0741) 668388/89
Fax. (0741) 668390

12 PT Sarana Aceh Ventura Jln. Tgk Syach Muda Wali No. 39
Banda Aceh (0651) 22117 / 25645
Fax. (0651) 33185

13 PT Sarana Kalbar Ventura Jl. Veteran No. 18 Pontianak 78121 (0561) 736613/765240
Fax. (0561) 46883

14 PT Sarana Sulut Ventura Jl. Babe Palar No. 45-46 Manado 95117
(0431) 857867/8 Fax. (0431) 860043

15 PT Sarana NTB Ventura Jl. Sandubaya No. 99 Bertais
Cakranegara NTB (0370) 673234
Fax. (0370) 673839

16 PT Sarana Surakarta Ventura Jl. M. Saleh Werdisastro No. 1
Surakarta-Solo 57133 (0271) 667602/603/604
Fax. (0271) 667605

17 PT Sarana Sumut Ventura Jl. Setia Budi No.90 F-G Medan 20133 (061) 8218380/08/88 Fax. (061) 8218348

18 PT Sarana Maluku Ventura Jl. Rijali No. 44 Ambon 97123 (0911) 348764 / 65
Fax. (0911) 341388
19 PT Sarana Papua Ventura Jl. Raya Sentani No.74 A Waena,
Jayapura (0967) 573912/11
Fax. (0967) 573977
20 PT Sarana Riau Ventura Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.1 Tangkerang
Utara (sebelah ASKES), Pekanbaru 28282
(0761) 857910 Fax. (0761) 857766

21 PT Sarana Sultra Ventura Jl. La Ode Hadi No.212, Kendari
Sulawesi Tenggara 93117 (0401) 391222/391333
Fax. (0401) 391666

22 PT Sarana Sulteng Ventura Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.6 Palu Sulawesi
Tengah 94112 (0451) 421800/454950
Fax. (0451) 424888

23 PT Sarana Kalteng Ventura Gedung Pusat Bisnis Batang Garing
Lt.1 Kav 107 & Lt.II Kav.208 A&B,
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan No.1 Palangkaraya73111 .

24 PT Sarana Kalsel Ventura Jl Pramuka RT 33 No. 12A Banjar
masin, Kalsel, 70249
(0511) 273-209
Fax. (0541) 254-252

25 PT Sarana Bengkulu Ventura Jl. P. Natadirja No.12 Km 6,5 Bengkulu
38225 (0736) 342257/753 Fax. (0736) 20912

26 PT Sarana NTT Ventura Jl. Samratulangi No.19 Walilkota-
Kupang NTT (0380) 820929 Fax. (0380) 824436
d/a. PT Astra Mitra Ventura Jl. Majapahit No. 16 Lt. 2
Jakarta 10160Telp. (021) 3450653
Fax. (021) 3450652

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